From Garden to Bouquet

From Garden to Bouquet

DSC_1955-min.jpgYou don’t get a bouquet unless you have a garden, and you don’t get a garden unless you have bees, bugs, and trees to house them. Not to forget, water, nutritious soil, hospitable environment with the right temperature range, birds and squirrels, and their other admirers all around!

Life is not a shade of the rainbow, it is the entire rainbow itself, and the other components of it that are invisible to the human eye. The association and interaction of all sections of existence conspire for my writing, and you reading this! So, heyyyoouu! What a wonderful world this is to be in and meet you here!!

Today, the leap in our scientific studies and experiences is so sharp that it has made us more aware of how various things work – we are close enough to understanding nature to be able to understand that so much still needs to be explored and understood about all things under and beyond the Sun. However much we may know about the individual systems, we yet fail to synthesize them all together and understand the true working of systems in the scientific sense. Although research is underway to understand the core integration of systems, we have acknowledged the same in all fields of working – science, astronomy, institutional working, teaching, governance, theatre, cooking, arts and poetry, and much more.

It feels a little sad now, to realize how disconnected our education system has been for so many generations now. But I am not here to crib and criticize about it. The thing is, all subjects can be sewn together seamlessly – because that’s how they are! It’s easy to study segments of a system, like studying the different parts of a tree, but what good that is, unless we zoom out and understand how the tree looks like in the overall picture of the ecosystem it helps to breathe? Of course, it is not a cakewalk, and perhaps this is why we haven’t been able to make this approach a handy operation. But that doesn’t mean we don’t! Because really, life is not a math equation where one and one combines to give two, it can be anything! More, less or absolutely equal too. And unless we zoom out, we won’t know.

Having said so, it isn’t that it has never been achieved. We integrate things to create new things, to develop wholistic studies, projects, researches, institutes, businesses and what not. Yet, so many of us still believe in creating boxes and they forget to unbox them altogether, and that’s where the trouble lies. It’s common sense that when we separate a part from the rest, we can analyze it better and make better observations, but unless we put it back in the loop or mechanism, we lose out on its functions.

You’d wonder, how does this relate with the environment, with sustainability, right?

They connect because they were never separate boxes to begin with! Had nature be but a big box of small boxes, it would reek and destroy and die. Simple as that.

Often, we see science and engineering, and law, and creative arts and films, dance and cooking, and even niche fields like planning and politics as absolute separate chunks. But the real reality is far off. The integration of all these together in a thread is what multiplies to something bigger than what these separate entities truly are! And the funny part is, that it applies to us individuals with the same degree as it does to us as Humanity and as Species of the Earth. And who knows, the summation of these all, into perhaps the best dish ever to have simmered here!

4 thoughts on “From Garden to Bouquet”

  1. Good insight into integration. The siloed approach has long been debunked and we need to expand our range to tackle the problems of 21st Century.

  2. Vagisha, I can see you growing to be a more wonderful writer with each post of yours. I’m glad to see your journey.

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